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Call / WhatsApp:

+91-9999687183 || +91-9891333772

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

Class Profile Summary
Class Size 50
Average GMAT Score 600+
Average Work Experience (yrs.) 3 years
Average Age (yrs.) 30 years
Employment Summary
Average Salary EUR 64,000
Average Bonus
% placed within 3 months 90%
Tuition Fees Summary
Total Tuition EUR 38,000
Living Cost EUR 7,800
Total Cost EUR 45,800

HHL Leipzig MBA Class Profile 2020 (Click Here)

HHL Leipzig MBA Application Deadlines

Deadlines Applications
Round 1 21 Mar 2022
Round 2 13 June 2022
Round 3 24 June 2022


HHL Leipzig MBA Application Essay Tips

To be added soon

Application + Interview Prep

  • 5 B-schools
  • Unlimited Calls
  • Unlimited Edits
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