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Application + Interview Prep

  • 1 B-school
  • Unlimited Calls
  • Unlimited Edits

Application + Interview Prep

  • 3 B-schools
  • Unlimited Calls
  • Unlimited Edits

Application + Interview Prep

  • 5 B-schools
  • Unlimited Calls
  • Unlimited Edits

Resume & Essay Review Service

How we work?

Brain Storming

Commencing with phase-1 of 1-2 hours of rigorous brainstorming, we dedicate ourselves towards comprehending your unique professional and personal journeys, harnessing this definitive insight to mold exceptional, standout stories that exude profound impact. This prelude paves the way for granular discussions on the nuanced, specialized content earmarked for each essay vis-à-vis the targeted academic institution. Upon reaching an amicable consensus on the optimal, bespoke course of action, applicants will embark on a dedicated drafting process, fueled by this critical, specialized design.

Essay Drafting and Networking

In the nascent stages, our primary focus accords paramountcy to robust groundwork – encompassing strategy, structure, positioning, and consistency. As a valued client, prepare for a comprehensive critique (keeping in mind our shared goals), and constructive suggestion (your interview prep starts here) to incorporate into your essays. The updated drafts will further go for the next level of evaluation and here we guide you for Networking techniques. With teamwork, we ensure that the final drafts triumph the pinnacle of excellence and serve as the solid groundwork for the Interview phase.


Letter of Recommendations Review

At the core of any seamless application resides a definitive set of standout recommendations that unequivocally amplify the application proposition. Our holistic approach towards a comprehensive application encompasses the utmost care and dedication towards crafting compelling recommendations that augment the salience of your candidature. More importantly, we also help you choose the correct recommender if you have several options. Bolstered by our expert guidance on the ideal selection of recommenders, we craft optimal recommendations that seamlessly coalesce with the overall theme of the application. To ensure coherence and harmony between the essays and recommendations, we initiate the recommendation review following the completion of the first two drafts of your essays. This meticulous curation guarantees that the content is aligned cohesively, thus facilitating a comprehensive, seamless application.

Resume Review

In the apex of the application process, lies the final bastion of a well-woven narrative – the pièce de résistance that is your professionally crafted resume. In parallel to the exacting essay evaluation regimen that we undertake, we employ a structured, systematic approach towards resume review capable of identifying and synthesizing every noteworthy detail that defines your story. This exigent method ensures seamless cohesion between the highlights of your academic and professional accomplishments, harmonizing them into a singular, unequivocal narrative that echoes a uniquely awesome personality shining through in every line. Throughout this critical review process, we work intimately together to ensure that your resume accurately reflects the essence of your professional experiences and accomplishments, acutely synthesizing and harmonizing it with the story of your exceptional self.

Application Submission and Scholarship strategy

Upon meticulous crafting of your essays, resume, and recommendations, we embark upon a phase of detailed revision and fine-tuning aimed at perfecting every aspect of the application form. Resting on an unwavering commitment to exacting standards of perfection, we leave no stone unturned to ensure that every intricate detail is intricately abetted to project a truly superlative application. Once comprehensively perfected, the final draft is submitted and subjected to rigorous review, working in tandem with the draft that you will furnish us with. Our work is not complete until our client’s timeline has been fulfilled, with the application file remitted as per the designated deadline. Aside from providing meticulous guidance on scholarship preparation, we go the extra mile by crafting formidable scholarship essays that ensure our clients are duly recognized for their exceptional merit and unwavering commitment.

Interview Prep and Admit Offer

Our comprehensive interview prep program is tailored towards equipping you with the acumen and expertise necessary to emerge victorious in one of the most pivotal stages of your application journey. Encompassing a rigorous, multi-faceted approach that has been perfected over the years, each client is assuredly guaranteed the utmost care and personal attention. Commencing with a detailed, one-on-one brainstorming session that assists you in caustically curating detailed and cogent answers for the most frequently asked interview questions. You are then ushered into two comprehensive, full-fledged mock interview sessions, each featuring 60 minutes of intensive preparation and a subsequent feedback session. Renowned for its unequivocal effectiveness, our interview prep has garnered an enviable reputation and has successfully facilitated over 90% of clients in finding over 90% of interview questions relatable and well-prepared for, as they confidently project a persona that underscores their exceptional excellence.

Client Selection

  • We have decided to work with carefully selected clients for their B-school applications and charge them only when they successfully receive an interview invite or an admit offer from the school, else we will refund the service fees.


  • Every year, we work with limited number of client and we carefully select our clients. Client selection is primarily based on a detailed profile evaluation, GMAT score and mutual understanding of colleges being targeted.


  • If for some reasons, we believe that we may not be able to help an aspirant, we may have to politely decline to onboard the aspirant as a client. Please accept our sincere apologies in advance.


Frequently Asked Questions​

All candidates write their own essays based on the discussion held during brainstorming sessions. We will only edit, make recommendations and refine your essays. We work together to ensure that you put in the strongest application. But it has to be your work, your stories, your goals.

There are no fixed number of hours. Since we only get paid when you get selected, we will go all the extra miles needed to get you selected.

In order to ensure our student success we don’t limit ourselves to only office timings. There have been instances when we have helped candidates fill out their applications in the middle of the night. Our goal is your success and an Admit for Sure from your dream school!

Terms and Conditions​


To ensure the quality and our commitment to you, we would have to ask you to work exclusive with us for a particular application. If you do decide to hire multiple consultant for same application and submit their work instead of ours, we would have to charge you full amount for the consulting services rendered.

No Dropping Out

After initial brainstorming sessions, if you do decide to stop working with us or not submit your application then we would have to charge you for the hours spent on the application. Hourly rate $100 for the consulting services rendered.

Content Sharing and Ownership

During the consulting process both “client” and “consultant” will work together on the content and hence we be regarded as joint owners of the content created. During the consultation process we will share successful sample essays from our previous clients and going forward we may share your content with our future clients.

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