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Kenan Flagler MBA Interviews

Kenan Flagler MBA interview process occurs between a highly competitive pool of students just as in any other top B-School . The applicants need to work hard on their Kenan Flagler application essays and GMAT scores(average GMAT score is 690) to get an interview call.

Kenan Flagler MBA admissions committee does not issue interview invitations. Applicants themselves have to approach adcom and schedule interview by the deadlines corresponds to the application round. Kenan Flagler interviews are generally conducted over a skype call if the applicant is outside U.S. or the alumnus.

Alumnus (off campus interview), Adcom (campus interview) take the interview generally. Average time per interview is 30-40 minutes.

UNC Kenan Flagler MBA Frequently Asked Interview Questions

  1. Tell me something about yourself?
  2. Walk me through your resume?
  3. Why MBA? Why Kenan Flagler school?
  4. Why MBA now or Why MBA at this stage of your career?
  5. What is your short & long term goals?
  6. What is your Plan B if consulting/Investment banking does not happen?
  7. What are your key strengths? Can you give some examples please?
  8. What is your biggest weakness ? Can you give some examples please?
  9. How can you add value to the Class?
  10. Why should we take you?
  11. One reason that we should not select you?
  12. Interests and Hobbies – Be prepared!.. questions as basic as “Why do you do poetry (or any other activity” may be asked.
  13. Some Situational & Behavioral Question
    • What would you describe are your greatest achievement to date?
    • Give me an example of a time you faced a conflict while working on a team. How did you handle that?
    • Give me an example of a time when you did not meet a client’s expectation. What happened, and how did you attempt to rectify the situation?
  14. Case questions are fairly common in MBA interview especially for consulting aspirants. Below are a few sample for to practice for:
    • How many Golf balls can fit in a Boeing 747?
    • What’s the global market size for smartphones?
  15. Do you have any Question for us?

UNC Kenan Flagler Interview Questions – 1

Round 3 Applicant. Interview was 45 minutes and surprisingly had fewer behavioral questions than I expected. Most of the discussion was about post-MBA goals.

  1. Where did you grow up? Where were you before college?
  2. Why did you choose your major?
  3. What was your most significant accomplishment in your first job after college?
  4. Why did you choose to leave this job for the second job?
  5. What do you want to do post-MBA?
  6. Where do you see yourself in 30 years?
  7. What are some companies you want to recruit for?
  8. Why UNC?
  9. What do you hope to contribute to UNC?
  10. What extracurriculars did you participate in during college?
  11. Would you say your GMAT/GRE is reflective of you as a person? If not, what does it say about you and how would you describe your score?
  12. If I were to call your recommender right now, what’s two strengths and a weakness that he would tell me about you?
  13. What types of opportunities are you looking for at UNC? And job-wise?

UNC Kenan Flagler Interview Questions – 2

Round 2 applicant. The blind interview was conducted by AdCom over Skype, lasting approximately 40 minutes. The interview was very conversational, as the interviewer often interspersed and followed-up my responses with narratives and anecdotes. This made the overall experience very positive, as I was more at ease and could respond without over-relying on the script in my head.
This proved helpful because the questions were somewhat not typical and required one to think on their feet. The focus, I believe, was more to understand your rationale behind your decisions and overall thought process.


  1. Where did you grow up and how did that influence you?
  2. Which high-school did you go to and what activities were you part of?
  3. Why did you choose your particular undergraduate major?
  4. How did that lead to your first job upon graduation? How did it help you in your first job and thereafter?
  5. In your current role, how many people do you manage, directly and indirectly? Follow-up: What are your lessons about qualities a leader should possess?
  6. What are your immediate post MBA goals?
  7. Why pursue an MBA at UNC? What specifically attracted you to the program?
  8. How have you researched the program? How will you contribute?
  9. Does your current supervisor support your MBA decision?
  10. Putting yourself in your supervisor’s shoes, if I were to call your supervisor up, what 2 words would be used to describe you?
  11. Similarly, what major point of feedback would your supervisor mention?
  12. Without revealing your GMAT score, do you believe it best represents your abilities?
  13. Any questions for me?

UNC Kenan Flagler Interview Questions – 3

Interview was conducted in the office of an admission committee member.

45 minute interview

  • How did you pick your college major?
  • What sparked your interest in your major?
  • What clubs do you see yourself participating at UNC?
  • Why UNC?
  • What kind of interactions have you had with the UNC community?
  • Behavioral questions regarding group based work environment. How did you resolve a conflict in this situation? or How did you go about in receiving constructive criticism?
  • Why healthcare specialization at UNC?
  • 5-10 minutes allocated for questions to ask the committee member.

Very friendly and relaxing interview. Time goes by very quickly.

UNC Kenan Flagler Interview Questions – 4

Mine was in-person and was blind if I remember correctly. Unfortunately I cannot say 100% one way or the other how the Skype interviews are conducted. I do know that all the interviews are very casual in content (dress is still business professional) but they really want to see how you portray yourself, if you can effectively communicate your strengths, and if you are the kind of person who would fit in with the school culture. This is also a good time to address any glaring flaws in your application (like if you haven’t taking a math class since 8th grade algebra but plan on taking stats at a local college in the coming months).

I was extremely nervous going into mine since it was my first b-school interview. I fumbled a few places, but my interviewer didn’t seem to mind and helped move the interview along such that she could get the info she needed. Depending on the interviewer there might be a behavioral interview question. The interviewers are not there to sabotage you. They want to see you succeed, so be friendly, put honest effort into the interview, know your story, and do your research – make sure you can answer the most common questions, such as “why UNC K-F?”, “why an MBA?”, “why an MBA now?”, “where do you see yourself in 5 years? In 15?”, etc. I’d suggest you find 2 or 3 things that really draw you to the school and be ready to talk about those.

UNC Kenan Flagler Interview Questions – 5

Had an interview at UNC on-campus. Lasted for about 40 mins.No surprise questions. Interviewer made me feel relaxed and was friendly and conversational.

The questions were more about getting to know me… why MBA, why now, why UNC, strengths, weakness, what motivates you etc.

My already great impression about the school was improved further with a campus visit and I would suggest taking on-campus interview as you get to talk to the admissions team member directly. Very different than some of the other schools where you interview with SY student. I experienced at one school a SY student busy taking notes and not paying attention to your answers.

Anyway, hoping for the best result now and awaiting interview invitations from other schools…

UNC Kenan Flagler Interview Questions – 6

Right dot on time. Very friendly and easy.
Questions were varied and fun.
– Who is your inspiration?
– Why UNC and what you expect to gain from UNC MBA?
– Why MBA and what are your short-term goals?
– What is your plan B?
– Explain your volunteer work.
– What is your proudest accomplishment – professionally and personally?
– Anything you want to add?
– Questions for me.


Application + Interview Prep

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  • Unlimited Calls
  • Unlimited Edits
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