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Foster School of Business MBA Interview

The Foster School is located in Seattle, which is home to a thriving business community, from Amazon, Microsoft, Nordstrom, and Starbucks, to new start-ups. Additionally, the Foster Full-time MBA Program also boasts one of the highest job placement rates in the country. Following are a few transcripts for the Foster School MBA Interview.

What does Foster evaluate in the interviews?

Foster School MBA Frequently Asked Interview Questions

  1. In my app form, my short term goals are Foster School. How did I come up with these goals?
  2. Without an MBA, how did I plan to attain those short term goals?

–> [follow up question] Do I have cross-cultural work experience?

  1. To achieve short term goals, what are my current skills at work that help me? And what skills I need to develop further through an MBA?
  2. Why Foster?

–> [follow up] What communication skills specifically that I want to improve at Foster?

  1. Right after MBA I want to work for Foster School company. How will I pitch for job opportunities? [she wants to test my selling skills]
  2. Tell me about a time when you went beyond your responsibilities to improve something?
  3. Tell me about a time when you failed?
  4. What are my strengths and weaknesses when I work in a team?

–> [follow up] Leadership & Women in Biz in Vietnam?

  1. Fun fact about myself?
  2. How did I approach and contact alumni from Foster?

Foster School MBA Interview Questions – 1

Skype Interviewed on: Feb 13 2019

“I had a Skype interview last week. The interviewer had a specific set of questions prepared in advance, which were mostly similar to what everyone has already shared so far. My interview went on for around 40 minutes. Some of the questions asked were :

  1. Walk me through your resume after graduation
  2. Short and long-term goals. Why MBA and why Foster?
  3. Any instance of how you have dealt with conflict at workplace
  4. What are good leadership qualities according to you?
  5. What do you think will be the biggest challenge for you at Foster?
  6. Anything that you will like to ask me.

My advice will be to just compile a list of questions from what others have shared so far and practice your answers for all of them. You will most probably be asked from within that set.”

Foster School MBA Interview Questions – 2

On Campus Interviewed on: Feb 07 2019 Final Decision: Admitted

“Interview with Dan Poston (Asst. Dean) and we had a great conversation. If you read through the interview debriefs, they all discuss a really conversational atmosphere, and I would strongly agree with that. We started off discussing what I am interested in doing with my MBA, which spawned other conversations on what industry I am interested and various trends in the market.

I wasn’t asked anything out of the ordinary for MBA interviews, but I will say that many of the questions revolved around why Foster and my path fit together – what interests me about the program, how will I contribute to the student body and my project teams, how will I represent the school once I am back in the workforce.”

Foster School MBA Interview Questions – 3

On Campus Interviewed on: Feb 06 2019 Final Decision: Denied with Interview

“The interviews at Foster are very conversational. My admissions officer was great and it was held in her office.

They will have read through your application so there’ll be questions about your resume and job experience. From there she asked a couple situational questions which led to questions about why I was choosing to get an MBA and why at Foster. Then you’ll get an opportunity to ask them some questions.

They emphasize teamwork so one of the questions will probably ask how you work in team or group settings.”

Foster School MBA Interview Questions – 4

Skype Interviewed on: Nov 01 2018 Final Decision: Admitted

“I had a Skype interview with one of their admissions team. We started off with me giving a brief run through of my career history before moving on to my goals, why an MBA and why Foster specifically.

We then talked about a time I had received criticism, and a time I had to solve a problem.

To finish up we talked about what I like to do in my free time, and a few questions I had for them”

Foster School MBA Interview Questions – 5

Skype Interviewed on: Feb 28 2018 Final Decision: Matriculating

“I hope everyone is doing well with the whole application process!

I did my interview yesterday with Dan Poston, the assistant dean.

The interview was very conversational, and I was under impression that Dan read my application very thoroughly. He remembered all the details I put in the resume and essays.

The first question was why MBA and it just naturally flew to why Foster and my goals.

He asked about me — not just what’s on my resume, but even where I was born, how and where I grew up and how I ended up being here.

The conversation lasted a little more than an hour, it was longer than expected because the candidate after me had to wait 10-15min… (Sorry!)

Since he knows pretty much all your presented in your application, he asked if there is anything I want him to know to impact the decision. (Uhhh unexpected question…)

So basically the interview part was about 35-40min, then Q&A time was about 20-25min.

One thing they really emphasize is the “fit” — make sure you present it well during the interview!

Good luck everyone, I wish this can help the future applicants!”

msbae0308 from Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of GMAT 650;

Foster School MBA Interview Questions – 6

Skype Interviewed on: Feb 15 2018 Final Decision: Interviewed

“Back after a very pleasant, 45-50 minute interview. I was greeted with “How is your son doing?” which gave me an idea that they have gone through the application in detail. Most of the time was spent on the “Why MBA?” question. There were questions on Leadership styles, and asked to narrate a few scenarios I have faced while playing a manager / lead role.

It felt like they were making sure that I am applying for an MBA for the right reason. Overall a very good experience.

P.S. – If you are driving to Foster, go straight to the N20 – N21 parking lots. The N4 parking lot mentioned in the website is always full.”

binoyvalson from United States GMAT 730;

Foster School MBA Interview Questions – 7

Skype Interviewed on: Nov 14 2017 Final Decision: Admitted


R1 admit here (Indian candidate). I would like to share some insights for applicants who are interested in tech industry post MBA.

From my research and conversations with alums and current students, I learnt that Foster is great for people aspiring a career in tech industry. Its strength lies in its students, resources and its relation with some of the best tech companies in the world such as Microsoft, Amazon, T-Mobile and Expedia. With the headquarters of these companies situated right in its backyard, Foster has the best access and an undisputed brand recognition in these companies and a lot of the students end up being product managers, which is what I am also interested in. With a majority of the class getting into the these companies for tech, Foster alums come back to recruit from these companies.

That being said, I would advise the following for the applicants who are awaiting interview invites.

  1. Know clearly why you want to do an MBA, why now and why Foster.
  2. With respect to your post MBA goal, do not hesitate to talk about your plan B, in case plan A doesn’t work.
  3. It’s always great to mention the names of the people whom you are in touch with (if the person is comfortable in sharing his/her name with the adcom) and how your relationship has helped in your process.
  4. You may or may not be asked directly “why you” but be prepared to convey the message during the interview.
  5. In addition to the above point, also extrapolate and convey the message why would your target company hire you for your target role. This gives assurance to the school that it will have no trouble finding a job for you and also conveys the adcom that you have not just researched about the school but also the company and role that you want to get into.
  6. Foster has a very supportive and collaborative culture and not a cut throat competition. Ensure you display the fit to the school.
  7. Prepare couple of questions to ask in the end of the interview. These can be questions that came up during your research or conversation with the alums or even that came up during the interview. Avoid questions that can be answered with the information given on the website.
  8. In addition to the above points, be prepared to answer general behavioral questions – strength, weakness, tough day at work, how did you resolve a conflict, role model, ethics, integrity etc.,
  9. For situational answers, presenting in a STAR format (Google it for more information) gives a holistic picture to the interviewer.
  10. Note to Indian students: We Indians, tend to speak fast. So request you to slow down a bit while talking to the interviewer.

If you have any specific questions, feel free to reach out.

All the best!”

Foster School MBA Interview Questions – 8

Skype Interviewed on: Nov 13 2017 Final Decision: Matriculating

“Just had my in person interview. Started off with a standard walk through the resume. There were some questions related to my resume during that.

Next were some follow up professional questions and some professional/situational questions.

Third group of questions started with why Foster and then how would an MBA utilize my strengths and help out my weaknesses.

Finally some overall fit type questions to see how I would fit in with the school and the area.

Overall it took 55 minutes and conversation was very natural and flowed easily.”

injineer GMAT 710;

Foster School MBA Interview Questions – 9

Skype Interviewed on: Nov 10 2017 Final Decision: Admitted

“Had my interview with Adcom member via Skype. great experience! Out of 4 interviews i had, i actually liked this one the best.

First, of all, really friendly and just cool interviewer.

Second, the interviewer is a marketing professional, and since i do want to pursue marketing post-mba, that made the conversation much more meaningful. i don’t think it was done on purpose, since students are assigned interviewers when they select time slots. but still very nice it came out that way.

Third, no questions like “name a leader that you emulate in your leadership style”, etc. I don’t want to say they are stupid, but personally, i do not think these questions are worth the MBA level and MBA candidates can speak about more meaningful things this.

Fourth, be ready to speak about all your previous jobs – why you chose them, why you changed from one job to another, what you liked about a particular job, etc. Basically you want all your experiences, and changes in jobs to have logic behind them, and not just random jumping. I was asked even about a job that i had 11 years ago (!!!!), which was very unexpected. Do not listen to consultants when they say stuff from long ago is of no interest to the Adcom – turns out it sometimes is. I was even asked why i didn’t want to pursue profession according to my undergrad major (my graduation was 13 years ago).

Fifth, know your career goals very well. company, position, what skills are required, how you will get in the post-mba job, what will be a barrier, what will help (your previously gained skills), how will mba help you in terms of acquired skills to get the job. etc. They want to make sure you are totally employable and you are have solid well-worked post-mba plan.

In addition, see interview reports about Foster which are out there, because they are all very consistent, and there is not much variability between what i read in these reports and what I actually had in my experience. And yes, i was asked how did i find students and alumni of Foster. i do not see this as challenging, because you just tell how you found these people and approached them. I know some people compalined on the forum that they were shocked when asked something unexpectedly plain and self-explainatory like this. so don’t be shocked , just answer in the same plain way :cool:”

Foster School MBA Interview Questions – 10

Skype Interviewed on: Mar 01 2017 Final Decision: Admitted

“Just finished my Skype interview and felt it was very short… How long was everyone’s interview? Mine was 25min and very focused on my CV!

Walk me through your resume

How did find your jobs (this one was sort of confusing… she literally wanted to know how I found the jobs e.g. did I google and apply) – did anyone else get this very bizarre question?

How did you figure out what job to apply to next

How did you figure out you wanted to be in your current industry/position

Tell me about cross cultural experience/what did you learn from this

LT goals post-MBA

How will you stand out when applying to [internship place].

Tell me about a time you managed conflict

A compliment you’ve received at work

What do you do for fun

Do you have any questions for me

and other questions I don’t remember…

Also, she did not ask me for my ID, which I find a little unsettling.”

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